.. Copyright (C) 2020: ALbert Mietus. Demo (life) =========== This section gives a demonstration of a simple (python) implementation of :class:`pubsub.Topic`. It is available in two forms: #. A *revealjs* slide-deck of a Jupiter/IPython notebook #. An interactive notebook. This is the same notebook, which you can edit an run on public `“binder” `_ You can also `download the notebook `_, it is available on GitHub. .. note:: **Same source, variable version** Due to practical details, the slide-deck below and the interactive notebook might be our-of-sync. Although it coming from the same source, it can be another revision; making the slides is partial manual. Slides ------ .. raw:: html .. tip:: * Use **‘space’** to go to the next slide. * Use **‘?’** to see all keyboard *shortcuts*. * Click on the edge to open it in a new tab (and use ‘F’ for full-screen). Interactive notebooks --------------------- Run-on binder: `try it yourself `_ .. tip:: Or download `Jupiter `_; e.g by `Anaconda `_ (especially for Windows), or ``pip`` Anaconda downloads: *(v2020.02;Python-3.7)* * `Window-64 `_. * `macOS `_. * For other/newer releases, and other platforms, see https://www.anaconda.com And play with it on your PC using this `notebook `_. With the benefit, you can save your changes. |BR| Surely, you can also Copy/Past the code, and use your favourite editor.