.. Copyright (C) 2020: ALbert Mietus. ============== Static Analyse ============== Class Diagrams ============== Future (object) --------------- Create the class diagrams for the python **Future (object)**. .. note:: * The term *future* is used multiple times in python. You need the one in ``concurrent``-package! * Possible to your surprise, there is no “thread” specific one. Only the *base* version exists, which works for threads and processes. * See file ``concurrent.futures._base.py``: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/concurrent/futures/_base.py. TPE --- Create the class diagrams for the python *ThreadPoolExecutor*. The code can be found online: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/concurrent/futures/thread.py. Other diagrams ============== Create all other (static) diagrams that you may find useful. Questionnaire ============= #. Why is the Futures class-diagram so much simpler are the ThreadPoolExecutor one? #. Which class is more important? Conceptually? ------------------ .. seealso:: * :ref:`TPE_pyreversed_classes` for my elaboration on the static analyse