.. Copyright (C) ALbert Mietus, SoftwareBeterMaken.nl; 2017. Part of my MESS project ==================== dPID: The dPID class ==================== :status: RC-1.0 This article shows the :class:`dpid.PID` documentation, as specified in :ref:`the python file `. It specifies the *interface* to a discrete-PID-controller. Study it to understand how the class should be used. Then start writing python code to test it. .. attention:: Its’ a **python-coding** exercise When part of this controller is 100% clear, just assume it is working correctly. And fill in the details as needed. Use that as base for your test-code. * At least, eventually, the class and the code are consistent. So, future changes will not invalidate current (assumed) behaviour; without notice. * During normal development, such details should be incorporated into the doc-string; possible after discussion and/or approval * For the ‘homework-goal’ the exact working isn’t that relevant. Fill in details as needed; **focus on writing python-code**! .. autoclass:: dpid.dPID :members: