.. Copyright (C) ALbert Mietus, SoftwareBeterMaken.nl; 2017. Part of my MESS project ============== dPID: The code ============== :status: RC-1.0 The code of the test-examples and the (empty) :class:`dpid.dPID` class are shown here. They are exactly as the python-files; but for the highlighting. .. _dPID_test_examples: Some (py)test examples ====================== .. literalinclude:: test_examples.py :language: python :linenos: .. _dPID_code: The class (empty) ================= .. literalinclude:: dpid.py :language: python :linenos: Downloads ========== You can download these files directly from `bitbucket `__ * https://bitbucket.org/ALbert_Mietus/mess/raw/default/pyMESS/training/dPID/test_examples.py * https://bitbucket.org/ALbert_Mietus/mess/raw/default/pyMESS/training/dPID/dpid.py