BLOG indexes
Can We Breed Software Leaders, Faster? (2024/10)
No leaders, no appeal! (2024/09)
Did Scrum Kill the Leadership Route? (2024/07)
Leading Technical Software Development is Hard! We Must Improve (2024/07)
An Agile SIA (2024/03)
Agile System Architecting (2023/05)
Applying BDD & TDD in legacy (2023/05)
Introducing BDD & TDD (2023/04)
The Never-ending Struggle on CodeQuality due to the growth of teams and codebases (2023/04)
Why Modern Embedded Software Systems nowadays embrace webserver-technology (2023/04)
Pub/Sub (2020/03)
ThreadPoolExecutor (2020/03)
Requirements Traceability (2020/02)
De Embedded Linux Expert bestaat niet (2019/03)
dPID: A Python ‘homework’ exercise (2017/10)
Also see the Draft ones (when available)
Major categories
De Embedded Linux Expert bestaat niet (2019/03)
Why Modern Embedded Software Systems nowadays embrace webserver-technology (2023/04)
The Never-ending Struggle on CodeQuality due to the growth of teams and codebases (2023/04)
Introducing BDD & TDD (2023/04)
Applying BDD & TDD in legacy (2023/05)
Agile System Architecting (2023/05)
Leading Technical Software Development is Hard! We Must Improve (2024/07)
Did Scrum Kill the Leadership Route? (2024/07)
No leaders, no appeal! (2024/09)
Can We Breed Software Leaders, Faster? (2024/10)
Requirements Traceability (2020/02)
An Agile SIA (2024/03)
Pub/Sub (2020/03)
ThreadPoolExecutor (2020/03)
dPID: A Python ‘homework’ exercise (2017/10)
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