dPID: Exercise




Test first

First, write some test-files with test-functions that verify the correct working of the dpid.dPID class as specified. Depending on your knowledge of PID-controllers these test may (functionally) vary. The primary goal here is not to program (including testing) a great PID-controller; but to practice your python-skills.



The dpid.dPID class is discrete; it only calculates the dpid.dPID.result() when requested. This implies the (return) value of dpid.dPID.result() will depend on when it is called (relative to the other methods).

  • So, timing may be relavant in your (test)-code. One can use time.sleep to controll that. Usa a floating-point parameter for sub-second resolution. Typically, the function is accurate in the milli-seconds range.

  • Compare using a small MARGIN, to allow derivations due e.g. timing. See the examples.


  • Use the pytest framework, to shorten test-code.

  • Start by running pytest as shown.

    • Reproduce the shown output first, before adding your own files.

    • Remember; the output text will differ slightly; for paths, dates etc.

  • Add a (one) new file: test_<something>.py.

    • Copy the start of the file (above the first function); update the copyright.

    • Write a single test-function:

      • Create a dpid.dPID instance with known, simple P, I and D settings.

      • Give it a setpoint() and measured() value.

      • Request a result().

      • Assert the returned value is (almost) equal to the pre-computed number.

  • Run pytest again.

    • It should run both the existing example, and the new test-file.

    • The test should fail! As the empty class always returns 0, that is easy.

    • Watch for syntax and other errors! All, but AssertionError, should be resolved in your code

  • Repeat, either by adding a test-function to that file, or adding more test-files.

    • When needed, you can add auxiliary functions; just don’t use the test-phrase in its name.

    • Or continue first with the implementation part. And add more test later (for other functions).

    • Each test should be a little more complicated as the existing onces.

    • Or better: start with the trivial once. Then the almost-trivial, etc.

      • Start testing a “P-only” PID-controller

      • Then an “I-only”, then a “D-only”. After which you test a simple combination

      • etc.

Code second

When a part of the functionality is tested (or at least: there is test-code for), you can start implementing the dPID class. Keep is simple. The only objective is to make one failing test pass.

And improve (refactor)


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