All needs [BigTree]
We can also show the relations between all product (cq releases) and it needs in one big tree [1].
Lessons learned
We have at least one test-case for each requirement; as we can clearly see.
The “puzzling” specification for Exact Calculator (CALC2) have an affinity with both the requirements and the test-cases
The (general) requirements for both calculators are equal.
Both calculators are akin; Exact Calculator (CALC2) is kind of a enhanced version of Simple Calculator (CALC1)
This “BigTree” gives a global overview of all ‘needs’ and there relations; which gives insight into product and how to
test it. It can be generated when the requirements (and other ‘needs’) are affixed with their (outgoing) links.
Even when the number of ‘needs’ becomes huge, this graph can be drawn quite clear – although you make like to use a big
slide of paper.
It will directly shown some “isolated” requirements or test, when you forgot to add a link. Also other “curious looking” parts of the drawing may need some attention. As it remarkable often denotes some mistakes.
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